Tips for getting started with Home Coffee Roasting
In general the depth of roast will result in a stronger tasting coffee. The roasting equipment needs to be adjusted to suit the time required. It is important to remember that the air temperature in the room where the roasting is taking place will have a significant bearing on the length of roast time. For example a summer temperature will mean a shorter roast time to achieve the desired result. We suggest that you constantly monitor the roaster throughout the cycle and be able to make any adjustments needed to ensure that the beans are roasted to the desired depth of roast.
Ideally the green beans can be roasted as origins and then after roasting they can be blended to achieve the desired result. Alternatively green bean origin varieties can be blended first and then roasted. It is important to make sure that the correct weight is roasted as origin beans can vary considerable in density and weight.
Some bean varieties are more suited to a darker roast and some are more enjoyable as a lighter roast. Just enjoy experimenting to discover how you can achieve the optimum result from each origin bean.
An interesting variation to the overall flavour profiles can be achieved by mixing darker roasted beans of the same origin with a batch of lighter roasted beans of the same type. Perhaps start with a 50/50 mix and vary to suit your preferences.
Please contact us if we can help with any aspect of home roasting so that you can be enjoying the freshest and most delicious coffee from your own kitchen.
The Stages of Coffee Bean Roasting
- Green unroasted
- Starting to pale
- Early yellow
- Yellow-tan stage
- Light brown
- Brown
- 1st crack begins
- 1st crack underway
- 1st crack finished
- 2nd crack begins
- Slow darkening. Light roast
- Quick colour change. Brownish to black tones
- Medium roast. Oils being released
- Medium to dark. Full flavour
- Italian dark. Oily surface. 2nd crack complete
- Fully carbonised. Ready to burn up